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Take care of your male skin in the summer

The sun is good for life, joy of life, vitamin D and we look forward to summer. In order to enjoy the sun without damaging the skin, it is important to think about it. Make sure there is a sun factor in your daily skin care. Both antioxidants and filter against UVA and UVB as well as infrared and blue light. Roughly speaking, UVA causes wrinkles and UVB causes birthmark cancer, burning and large pores. The blood vessels dilate, and older men with sun damage have coarse-pored skin, more blackheads and are reddened/bruised and deeply wrinkled. The alpha and omega of keeping your skin in summer shape is therefore to protect the skin from as much sun as possible. Factor 15 will do, unless you are going south or out sailing. Then spf. 30 and up an important extra investment.

Recommendation of products

By Men's Rooms Defence Cream is a good choice that gives your skin optimal healing conditions and sorts out the daily UV exposure. You'll get a summer glow regardless. Now only of the more durable kind and without sun damage. Feel free to wear a hat or cap. All the radiation you sort out does no damage. Sun, heat, sweat, dirt and skin grease must be washed off once (preferably twice) daily. But with a wash that does not dry out further. Shave Cleanser or Control Cleanser gives you the feeling of soap and water without disturbing your skin's pH balance. A moisturizing and soothing Repair Spray, cools the skin, is an ambulance aid for burns as an aftersun and as an aftershave is a product that most people love to have. Can also be used as a body moisturizing spray, so you don't have to rub it around the hair, and it is oil-free. Remember, your skin heals up to 8 times faster during night sleep, so an evening skin care routine that gives your skin good healing tools is a really good investment. Request a gift card for our products so you can take care of your skin during the summer period.

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